This textbook places cyber security management within an organizational and strategic framework, enabling students to develop their knowledge and skills for a future career. The reader will learn t…
This is a comprehensive resource that integrates the application of innovative remote sensing techniques and geospatial tools in modeling Earth systems for environmental management beyond customary…
This reference text addresses real operation management problem in the thrust areas like health care sector, energy management sector, and industry 4.0. It discusses recent advances and trends i…
Unlike credit and market risk, operational risk currently lacks an overarching theory to explain how and why losses occur. As a result, operational risk managers have been forced to use unsatisfact…
Research in Public Administration and Public Management has distinctive features that influence the choices and application of research methods. The standard methodologies for researching from the …
Strategic Alliance Management presents an academically grounded alliance development framework, detailing eight stages of alliance development with consideration for specific management challenges.…
Mapped to the CIPD Level 7 module of the same name, International Human Resource Management is a critical textbook for all HR students. Structured around the three core areas of cross-cultural HRM,…
Explore invaluable management advice informed by the latest in organizational and industrial behaviour research In the newly revised Third Edition of Handbook of Principles of Organizational Beh…
Equip students with a conceptual understanding of management science's role in the decision-making process with Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann/Anderson/Sweeney/Williams' market-leading AN INTRODUCTION TO…
This book aims to provide the necessary background to work with big data blockchain by introducing some novel applications in service operations for both academics and interested practitioners, and…
This volume offers new, convincing empirical evidence on topical risk- and risk management-related issues in diverse settings, using an interdisciplinary approach. The authors advance compelling ar…
This book looks at what exactly artificial intelligence is, how it can be classified, how it differentiates from other concepts such as machine learning, big data, blockchain, or the Internet-of-Th…
This book includes the papers presented at the II International Applied Research Conference “Operations and Project Management: Strategies and Trends” and the International Research Conference …
This book adopts the managerial perspective to the study of smart cities. As such, this book is a necessary addition to the existing body of literature on smart cities. The chapters included in thi…
This 1991 article helped popularize the notion of “tacit” knowledge—the valuable and highly subjective insights and intuitions that are difficult to capture and share because people carry the…
Management: The Basics provides an easy, jargon-free introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of modern management. Using examples ranging from people management at Cadbury and t…
Management: A Practical Introduction, 10th edition, empowers students to develop their career readiness. Developed to help students read and learn management with a purpose, it takes a student cent…